Once Again Organic Crunchy Peanut Butter Lightly Salted Unsweetened oz Jar, 16 Ounce

Lawson Fine Foods


We Spread Integrity Jeremy Thaler and Constance Potter shared a common belief in the importance of herbal supplements, worker-owned cooperatives, organic and sustainable farming and the power of community. Upon moving to Rochester, New York, they established a whole-grain bakery that also produced granola using a barrel roaster. A chance...

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We Spread Integrity

Jeremy Thaler and Constance Potter shared a common belief in the importance of herbal supplements, worker-owned cooperatives, organic and sustainable farming and the power of community. Upon moving to Rochester, New York, they established a whole-grain bakery that also produced granola using a barrel roaster. A chance question from a friend, “You have a barrel roaster; why don’t you use it to make peanut butter?” led Jeremy to the peanut butter business. In 1976, Once Again Nut Butter was born. When Jeremy and Connie left Rochester for a more rural area, they moved the company into their 800-square foot basement and manufactured peanut butter there until they purchased the current facility in 1981. Today, Once Again remains committed to sustainability, and continues to produce superior products for its customers.

once again